Quality, environment, and work safety policies
What does IVT stand for?
Strong competition demands our entire range of creativity, flexibility and idea generation; this is the only way we can achieve our goals and stay ahead of the competition. On this basis we continue to develop in order to meet our own high quality and safety standards as well as those of our customers.
Our customers rightly expect a reliable partner and IVT Weiner + Reimann GmbH stands for this with its name. We have the claim to be among the best in our field of business. Long-standing customer relationships are evidence of this.
IVT Weiner + Reimann see themselves as customers’ partners, but also as partners of our own employees. We build upon trust, fairness and honesty and keep our word. This is the foundation of our way of business.
Our company / code of conduct
We measure the sustainable and long-standing economic success of our company not only in numbers, but also in the satisfaction of our customers. The quality of our work is therefore an essential component of value creation in the interest of our customers.
We support fair competition within the framework of legal guidelines. Agreements on prices, delivery conditions and the exchange of competition-related information are not permitted. Non-compliance can lead to heavy fines and legal consequences for the employees involved.
We treat our employees with respect, regardless of country of origin, colour of skin, gender, religion, disability or private lifestyle. Everyone is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of our employees. We also expect our employees to actively work for our company.
We prohibit all employees from accepting personal benefits, favours, gifts or other gratuities. Acceptance is only permitted if the value is negligible (max. 50.00 Euro) and does not place the giver or recipient in a position of dependence on one another.
Our company culture regarding our policy of occupational safety, environmental protection and quality follows the guidelines below:
Our claim
- We understand quality, environmental protection and occupational safety as corporate goals of equal importance to economic objectives.
- We see our customers, employees and suppliers as partners with whom we develop and implement our state-of-the-art products and services.
- Our employees are our success. Satisfied and motivated employees are a requirement for satisfied customers and economic success.
Our goals
- We want to offer our customers fault-free products and services at fair prices.
- We do not want any work accidents, therefore the result “0” is our ultimate goal. In order to reach this goal, the management makes sufficient resources available. All employees should go home healthy after work.
- We want to avoid damage to property and the environment when carrying out our activities. This is to be achieved through regular safety briefings and information events for our employees.
- We undertake to comply with all relevant laws, directives and regulations, but in particular with occupational health and safety and environmental protection regulations, and to apply these when carrying out our activities.
- We use selected methods to monitor and measure our processes, which we use to check our work for the achievement of the defined objectives.
- We want to avoid mistakes through defined process flows. However, if mistakes do occur, they are systematically documented and evaluated to prevent them from recurring.
- We use all possibilities to save energy and conserve resources. These are important principles for us in the provision of our services.
- We actively participate in environmentally sound waste disposal. Therefore, we have issued regulations on waste disposal for our company that are binding for all employees.
Oberhausen, 08.03.2021
Further information on CSR in the ERBUD Group can be found here.